Fitness updates & plans

In the past few months at least something has been updated at each of our fitness locations. A change of equipment between ASC and Amstelcampus, bench presses where you used to sip your banana shake at ClubWest, and a full make-over at ASC! Check all summer handy work, and what you can expect in the new season.

Serious make-over at ASC

ASC is by far the coziest USC gym, but was also the most outdated. Time for a major make-over! With a coat of paint, new floor and different equipment ASC is freshly heading into season 23-24.

Nieuwe look ASC USC Amsterdam

This is what you can still expect…

While the biggest job is behind us, we’re still working on the finishing touch. E.g.: the mirror will be extended, and the front desk will become a lot smaller.

100 m2 extra fitness at ClubWest

Banana shakes vs. bench presses, and latte art vs. leg curls. At ClubWest, part of the lounge area has made way for a lot of extra gym space. Around 100m2! Of course you can still sit and relax with a cup of coffee after your workout.

Fitnessuitbreiding ClubWest

This is what you can still expect…

  • On Wednesday 13 September a big part of the equipment will be replaced by a brand-new strength line. This will be weight stack and plate loaded equipment, and the plates will also be renewed.
  • In fall a rubber tile floor will be placed in the entire fitness area. We’ll also paint the gym.
  • The fitness equipment that’s replaced at ClubWest but is still in good condition, will get a new spot at Amstelcampus or Universum.

Amstelcampus’ new strength line

Finders keepers, losers weepers – not in this case! Not a single tear was shed during the equipment switch between Amstelcampus and ASC. Both Amstelcampus and ASC now have equipment that better suits the use and appearance at the location.

Amstelcampus nieuwe apparatuur

This is what you can still expect…

A little later in the season, but Amstelcampus will also get a lot of new stuff: e.g. treadmills, a rubber tile floor and racks for heavy barbell training.

Universum: upgrade platforms

At Universum the lifting area has been refurbished, with new platforms and very fancy combo racks. Come lift – and drop – those PB’s on the new floor!

Universum gewichthefplatform USC Amsterdam