We’ve cleaned the floors of Universum for the 79th time today. The walls of ClubWest have already been painted in three different colours by now. ASC is completely ready for reopening, including barrier tape and routing. Saskia is clearing out PCH Fitness, which will never reopen (very sad, see below). Boxing instructors fight their boredom by shooting videos in the ring (very funny, see below). And our tennis boss Arjan wishes he was 11 again so he could get back on the court…
The intelligent lockdown continues. At least until 20 May. In the meantime, we will do everything we can to prepare for a smooth reopening. Which sports can we offer in the first phase? How many people can train at the same time? How will we manage this? One of the sports that we see fit for that first phase is fitness. Individually. Maintaining distance. Without guidance. It’s quite an organizational challenge for the USC. And we will need your support, patience and understanding. Now, and when we reopen. Because we won’t be able to all run in at the same time …
It’s tough. Without you. Stay strong. ❤️