USC open during Christmas


Short workouts at ClubWest: HE♥RTBE♥TS

30 min. workouts before or after school! Heartbeat up workouts make you sweat, in heartbeat down workouts you can chill. Starting 6 January, every weekday at ClubWest. Check those HEARTBEATS!

Highlighted: Booty barre workout

Most instructors take it easy around Christmas. Not Inouk. Inouk will help you get rid of those holiday kilograms straight away. On Monday 30 December from 20-21h she’ll teach the first ever Booty barre workout on the USC timetable. So get your booty to Universum!

Highlighted: Booty barre workout

Group fitness X-mas specials

Fewer classes, but some awesome X-mas specials in return:

At Amstelcampus:
♥ Essentrics, 25.12, 10.00-10.55, Inouk
♥ Fat attack & abs, 26.12, 10.00-10.55, Andrea
♥ Pilates small balls, 26.12, 11.00-11.55, Andrea

At Universum:
♥ Booty barre workout, 30.12, 20.00-20.55, Inouk
♥ Spinning – endurance, 31.12, 9.30-10.30, Kristiaan
♥ Spinning – interval, 31.12, 10.30-11.30, Kristiaan

Find / book them in the group fitness timetable!

Christmas timetables

We’ll offer a little less classes and trainings at all USC locations. So make sure to check the group fitness timetable – or the timetable of your sport – before heading to USC!

Christmas timetables

Subscribe: Futsal

22 December is the subscription deadline for the futsal competition. Starts end of January. All you need is 8 people. Skills are irrelevant, as we play on all levels. Get your team together!

Subscribe: Futsal

Unique opening hours during Christmas

For the first time in the history of USC we can really speak of ‘opening hours’ during Christmas. We’ll even be open on Christmas morning, only at Amstelcampus and ClubWest. Check all opening hours during the Christmas holidays!

Unique opening hours during Christmas